What makes me MISS JACI LAYNE

My photo
Louisiana, United States
Hey There! The names Jaci! - Pleasure to meet ya! I am me. Thats all there is to it. I have a TRULY FREE SPIRIT. I have troubles, but theres nothing that i cant overcome. I will cry but i will always be happy. Life is all what you make it to be. I am not scared, and try everything.. because the SCARIEST things are the MOST worthwile. I love to think of life as theories. Unpredictable, but true. I dont live for anyone else but ME. Because in the end how I lived my life is all that matters. Everything happens for a reason. Only those who believe ever see what they dream, ever dream what comes true. i will always run with my dreams. I LOVE JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING! Im usually friends with everyone i meet. Every person that has been part of my life, has taught me many things & given me SO MANY MEMORIES! Im a very busy person, but i like it that way. When i transfer schools i would LOVE to go back to NORTHWESTERN and CHEER again! Thats where my heart & soul is! EXPERIENCING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE. Changes are all about your Passion. Passion is Beauty. Beauty is Love. Love is Life. The end.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

American Idol.

Wow.. so the show is amazing tonight. Not only is my favorite woman talk show host, the host of american idol.. but they have ha some AMAZING performances. and all performances that i have been talking about lately. Carrie Underwood.. ill stand by you... (thats for ali, because i want her to know that ill stand by her through everything.. i know your going through a hard time, but your an awesome girl and i know you can pull through this girly! And i cant wait to hear from you! ) Rascal Flatts, My wish.. marla, haha... our song that relates so much to us. How crazy.

So TOM (myspace tom) is also on american idol. haha hes a crazy kid.. but how awesome. i mean.... really.. think about it, that is amazing that such a huge tv show to america would do such a great thing for america and the WORLD! If only all of us could give back everyday, or even once a month, how amazing would our world be? Who cares if you dont know what they are doing with the money that you donate, or whatever.... doing a good deed makes your life better, your heart better. You cant love without giving love. This is Love. TRUE love. and i think it is the most amazing. you ask why? i ask why not? Believing is the key part to any life. You have to believe to recieve anything. Without belief there is nothing. I mean... 5 million dollars just by calling and voting for the most watched tv show. By calling 370 times you helped raise $185 dollars. AMAZING !

It is so sad, how depressing some parts of the world is. Tonights show really showed everything in the world, and how much people need help. So much help that they cant even reach out for it anymore. WE need to step up and reach to them, and show them we care, make their lives as good as we can help. One of the most depressing moments of the show, simon helped this 28 year old lady with aids to the hospital, which whom in fact died 2 days later. There are so many projects all around africa giving back to those people, whom in fact help those poor people to live their lives, and raise their children everyday... our donations go to these profits and help them do what they do everyday. HOW AMAZING? really.

Josh groban, is completely amazing.. beautiful voice. He sung one of my favorite songs, and a song that i would love to figure skate to, You raise me up. It is also my Grandmothers favorite song. Everytime i think of it i think of her. I love my family so much ! =]

Okay Kelly Clarkson= AMAZING! I just am waiting for pink. im sure ill have more to update on this amazing show tom. I still think it would be better if gina were still there. o well.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Touching is PASSION.

First off : Sickness' completely suck.

Okay... So i have decided that love isnt love if you havent been able to completely grasp it in your hands. Am i right? seems like everytime i find it, its there, perfect, but not fully mine. I am no longer on a search for it, if it wants me, itll find me. As for people in my past, i hope i can keep them in the past, and not be a now and present or future thing. I know i said i was waiting, BUT, i cant wait forever. forever is a long time, and i have to live now. And im tired of being hurt, so im going to try to leave it behind... as best as i can.

How about a movie tonight? likeee land of women, or something else? Disturbia was a very good movie, which i highly suggest everyyyyyone to go see.

PS. my bestest best best friend in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD, is trying out for LSU, and she deserves to be happy.. so pray for her =] !

oh and.. did i mention i came up with.. a very unique quote last night.. haha 'touching is passion' .. ya like that huh?

and i would just like to add im not dyslexic! i happen to not taste the stand of beer ha. I LOVE YOU GUYS !

enough. the end.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Night time drama.

Okay, well i figured id update just a bit. Today i had to take off of work AGAIN because, once again, I'm sick. Go Figure, ey? And right when i don't need to be sick, i am. ugh. So me and a friend of mine were talking over relationships, and my issues tonight.. and he told me something that i pretty much wanted to make a quote out of ... so here it goes...

"if Ur tired of waiting but haven't given up hope....your not tired enough"
So point being to this is ... you always have hope even when your tired of waiting. Never lose hope on anything because no matter how long you wait your gonna have that slight chance that it could possibly be an opportunity opening for you.

I swear i could talk to this guy for hours and get so many good quotes from him, hes like a computer spitting out information at me.. its rather cool. Good friend, and guy, even though he can be crazy at times lol. (no offense if you read this =/)

So other opportunities could be opening right now. Hopefully i can and will move somewhere sometimes soon. Ive been giving Tx or Ca a lot of thought, for different reasons, but of course i will miss all of my friends back home, so i probably wont pull through with it.. depending.. idk.

So i missed the LSU softball game tonight, because i was sick .. as usual. They had a game against southern that we won by a killing. BUT i did get to watch my friend who plays for Loyola against southern, in a REALLY good game that they lost by a point =[. AND my best friend is trying out for LSU cheerleading on Friday and Saturday, which we will be celebrating on Thursday, with her.. and i wish her the best of luck, because honestly she deserves it more than anyone i know. (I LOVE YOU CO!)

As for me, im so tired, going listen to Elka and KC's new pod cast, then off to bed, to REST!

PS. eventually these blogs will be more intellectual rather than me just writing. =] Night!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Beginning

So i figured since im sick, i should not be bored... so i resorted to start a blog. I guess to get things off of my mind mostly.

FIRSTLY, i realllyyy want to go see the movie Disturbia, with Shia Lebouf, it looks pretty much amazing.
SECONDLY, i need to discuss a situation that i have going on with someone, but nothings ever promising.
THIRDLY, I really wish i werent sick with this sinus infection because i am MORE than tired of being sick, and i have to get better before practice tom for skating... and the party afterwards =]

So tom is also the last day for leos figure skating, until next fall =[ im a little disappointed about that. But i still have lafayette, a 2 hour drive to figure skate. =/. I did get a new combination jump going on . 1/2 waltz + single flip! its pretty cool.

Work is pretty stressful right now, considering we are in Gift with Purchase, the counter is CRAZY busy.. and its just crazy.

Love life... still sucks. I always think that i have found someone with potential, and I dont. Im giving up on love and loves givin up on me ! =] haha. No but really, i quit, im letting love find me. Hopefully one day....

anyway, thats enough for now. maybe later. Have fun! God Bless!