What makes me MISS JACI LAYNE

My photo
Louisiana, United States
Hey There! The names Jaci! - Pleasure to meet ya! I am me. Thats all there is to it. I have a TRULY FREE SPIRIT. I have troubles, but theres nothing that i cant overcome. I will cry but i will always be happy. Life is all what you make it to be. I am not scared, and try everything.. because the SCARIEST things are the MOST worthwile. I love to think of life as theories. Unpredictable, but true. I dont live for anyone else but ME. Because in the end how I lived my life is all that matters. Everything happens for a reason. Only those who believe ever see what they dream, ever dream what comes true. i will always run with my dreams. I LOVE JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING! Im usually friends with everyone i meet. Every person that has been part of my life, has taught me many things & given me SO MANY MEMORIES! Im a very busy person, but i like it that way. When i transfer schools i would LOVE to go back to NORTHWESTERN and CHEER again! Thats where my heart & soul is! EXPERIENCING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE. Changes are all about your Passion. Passion is Beauty. Beauty is Love. Love is Life. The end.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

just know.

just know i miss you a lot. =/

WORK SUCKSSSSSSSSS! there is so much FN drama at the counter, im over it. ITS RIDICULOUS! but i love hillary!!!!!!!!!!!! shes like my new best friend "baby of the counter" ahahha, im not the only one anymoreeeeeee! yay! that makes me happy!

ONE LESS REASON & Joan RED ROCK my LIFE! they completely are more than amazing, and i cant wait to get pictures from it . i have a couple but not tooooo many. but they are even more amazing in person, haha. good good hearts.

I CANT WAIT TILL IM OFF FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY AND MONDAY!!!!! im going to have so much fun, and REST! you just dont even know. TIKI TUBING SATURdAY, for anyone who wants to join in .

oh ... one more thing i might be living in baton rouge, MAYBE, im really thinking about it... theres a house off of highland that this guy is looking for a room mate and its really nice... so maybe, just maybe.

thats all for now. ttfn! hahaha =]

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Summer Time

SO summer is finally here, and where am i .. working. ugh! it sucks!

The LSU softball game is tom night at 630 and i absolutly can NOT WAIT! They have to win 2-3 games with Arizona state. Which az is farely good... ranked number 9 in the country i believe, we are number 3.. so a little advantage there, but that means nothing.. i just hope they BRING IT tom and sat night!

love. oh man.. what is there to say about it. Its confusing, fun, hopefully, upsetting, mystic, sensual, physical, emotional, should i go on? Number 1 its confusing. it always seems to be that you cant be with the person you want to be with because of this or that.. and i hate it. i feel like i could write a story with my life, and all the damn experiences i have had. but i wont. Then again, i guess if it were easy, we would all know our soul mates from birth. gosh i duno.

My family life, has ONCE AGAIN, gone freaking crazy and out of control. its pretty much ridiculous, to put it slightly. I havent been skating in forever, i need to try to get out to lafy.

Im ready for something to happen with me, like something big, and awesome. I dont know what, i have a couple things i hope for, but only time will tell if they come true!

As for now, ill be sporting my LSUness tomorrow and tanning with codi hopefully. Geaux Tigers!