What makes me MISS JACI LAYNE

My photo
Louisiana, United States
Hey There! The names Jaci! - Pleasure to meet ya! I am me. Thats all there is to it. I have a TRULY FREE SPIRIT. I have troubles, but theres nothing that i cant overcome. I will cry but i will always be happy. Life is all what you make it to be. I am not scared, and try everything.. because the SCARIEST things are the MOST worthwile. I love to think of life as theories. Unpredictable, but true. I dont live for anyone else but ME. Because in the end how I lived my life is all that matters. Everything happens for a reason. Only those who believe ever see what they dream, ever dream what comes true. i will always run with my dreams. I LOVE JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING! Im usually friends with everyone i meet. Every person that has been part of my life, has taught me many things & given me SO MANY MEMORIES! Im a very busy person, but i like it that way. When i transfer schools i would LOVE to go back to NORTHWESTERN and CHEER again! Thats where my heart & soul is! EXPERIENCING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE. Changes are all about your Passion. Passion is Beauty. Beauty is Love. Love is Life. The end.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


So.. i was supposed to work the concert last night, parked ... got lost... the PRODUCER from hinder helped me find my way, haha. GOT to the place iw as supposed to be, and the guy tells me oh we dont need you, you can go home now. FUCKING PISSED. SO ... im going back where i came from about to go back to my car, and the producer decides to give me a backstage VIP pass. AMAZING! Seriously. SO i go in the river center, get front row.. and end up loving every band that played. They are seriously awesome. After the show, i went back to talk to the producer to tell him thanks because i had never been and it was an awesome experience... and he says just hang out, and drink and get to know everyone. SO i end up meeting basically everyone, went drink yager in the bus, and went out to Happys after with most of the guys from revelation theory and got drunk. Didnt go home, went sleep at codis after at about 515 am. Basically had an awesome night.

Nights like last night dont happen very often. And im glad i got to make some memories! =]!

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